
Happy New Year 2020 : Whatsapp messages, SMS, Greetings, photos for happy new year

Hey Guys, Welcome to Our Website in this article I am going to tell you why happy new year celebrated hd images download so read this article till the end. Why people around the planet are celebrating the  Happy New Year at that very moment: It turns out that the new year wasn't always on Jan. 1, and still isn't in some cultures. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 The ancient Mesopotamians celebrated their 12-day-long New Year's festival of Akitu on the vernal equinox, while the Greeks partied around the winter solstice, on Dec. 20. The Roman historian Censorius, meanwhile, reported that the Egyptians celebrated another lap around the sun on July 20, according to a 1940 article in the journal the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Happy New Year 2020 During the Roman era, March marked the beginning of the calendar. Then, in 46 B.C., Julius Caesar created the Julian calendar, which set the new year when it is celebrated today, Live Science previously report